Cancer Gene Therapy

Cancer Gene Therapy

  • 定価 5,500円(税込)
  • 編集:落合 武徳(千葉大学大学院先端応用外科教授)
  • 編集:松原 久裕(千葉大学大学院医学研究院先端応用外科学助手)
  • B5・310ページ・並製
  • 発行年月:2002年02月
  • ISBN 978-4-89269-418-9
  • ※記載されている所属・肩書は、出版当時のものです。


Session I : Vector system in cancer gene therapy
Atsushi Miyanohara (University of California, San Diego)
Cell-free assembly of MLV- and HIV-based retroviral vectors
Yasufumi Kaneda (Osaka university)
Development of gene delivery and gene expression system for cancer gene therapy
Session II : Suppressor gene and apoptosis
Gary L. Clayman (MD Anderson cancer center)
Developing adenovirus p53 gene transfer in head and neck squamous carcinoma : a decade of progress

Douglas Green (La Jolla institute for allergy and immunology)
Mitochondria and apoptotic response to stress
Ali Fattaey (Popular proteins)
Replicating adenovirus therapy for human cancer
Toshiyoshi Fujiwara (Okayama university)
Adenoviral p53 gene therapy for non-small cell lung cancer : a phase I study in Japan
Session III : Immune gene therapy
Thomas J. Kipps (University of California, San Diego)
Gene therapy of lymphoid malignancies
Drew M. Pardoll (Johns Hopkins university)
Genetic engineering of the antitumor immune response
Kenzaburo Tani (Tokyo university)
Immunotherapy using GM-CSF gene for metastatic renal cell cancer
Session IV : Hopeful strategy
Finbarr E. Cotter (St. Bartholomew university, London)
Bcl-2 antisense therapy
Shigetaka Asano (Tokyo university)
Maxizyme for lymphomas and leukemia
Session V : Ethical problem
Theodore Friedmann (University of California, San Diego)
Evolving ethical and policy issues in human gene therapy


  • 腹腔鏡下脾臓摘出術
  • 腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術・総胆管結石手術
  • 腹腔鏡下アカラシア手術、GERD、食道裂孔ヘルニア手術


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